For first time login to ProSolvr, Welcome to
ProSolvr pop up is displayed. Click on the
'Create System' link inside the pop-up.
For subsequent logins to ProSolvr, it takes you
to the Systems Page. Click on the button on top that says Create System.
Type in the System Name and click Next.
'Specify Components' window is displayed. You
can add additional components or click OK.
Click on the set of vertical ellipses in the System tile or
next to the System in the System List. Choose
Configure System from the drop down list. Enter
Components and Anomaly Categories to get started.
Only the System Owner (Creator) has this privilege.
A crown next to the System name on the list or in
the System tile indicates that you are the Creator of the
Click on the Pin symbol next to the system in the list
of My Systems. Click on the Unpin symbol next to it if
you want to unpin it.
Click on the Manage Collaborators button in the System tile or next to the
System in the List of My Systems. Click on Add
Collaborator tab to add a new collaborator.
Click on Update Collaborators tab and
uncheck/check the check box next to an existing
collaborator in the collaborator list and to
remove/add the existing collaborator.