
Our Mission &

Our mission at ProSolvr is to empower problem managers and investigation teams to do in-depth analysis in a structured, systematic and efficient way.



Smarter AI-powered
problem resolution

Problem management application

Enable in-depth RCA
for greater reliability

smartQED Slack chatbot

Analyze complex
problems efficiently

smartQED Jira application

Boost productivity
of operations


Era Of Digital Technology

In this era of digital technology business systems are becoming increasingly complex while customer expectations keep rising. As such, it is important for businesses to investigate problems efficiently and get them resolved as soon as possible.

Problem management application
Problem management application

Problem Management Tools

Problem management tools in use today are mostly based on linear text or forms. They are not capable of scaling to complex or cross-functional problems that are being investigated in parallel by large teams. True root causes may be missed in such environments, causing issues to recur and decreasing customer satisfaction.

Empower Problem Managers

At ProSolvr our mission is to empower problem managers and investigation teams to do in-depth analysis in a structured, systematic and efficient way. For that we leverage the combined power of visual collaboration and machine learning to enable efficient investigation and resolution of all types of problems. Our patented technology can be used to solve problems in any domain, with reusable templates and AI recommendations guiding the diagnosis of true root causes of problems.

Problem management application


Hear from our users
